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  • What is blurry vision?
  • The importance of proper treatment for blurry vision
  • The effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in treating blurry vision

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for Treating Blurry Vision

Understanding the Causes of Blurry Vision in TCM

  • Qi and blood deficiency
  • Liver and kidney imbalances
  • Dampness and heat accumulation

Herbal Remedies for Blurry Vision

Five Herbs for Treating Blurry Vision

  • Gouqizi (Goji Berry)
  • Juhua (Chrysanthemum Flower)
  • Longan (Dragon Eye Fruit)
  • Baiju (Chinese Arborvitae Twig)
  • Sangju (Morus Bark)

Traditional Chinese Medicine Formulas for Blurry Vision

  • Qi Ju Di Huang Wan
  • Ming Mu Di Huang Wan
  • Er Ming Zuo Ci Wan

Dietary and Lifestyle Changes for Improving Vision

Foods for Clearing Heat and Nourishing the Eyes

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Carrots and sweet potatoes
  • Fish and seafood

Lifestyle Habits for Healthy Vision

  • Resting the eyes regularly
  • Moderate exposure to electronic screens
  • Wearing appropriate eyewear

Acupuncture and Acupressure for Vision Improvement

Acupuncture Points for Clearing Vision

  • Jingming (UB1)
  • Zanzhu (BL2)
  • Fengchi (GB20)
  • Taiyang (EX-HN5)

Acupressure Techniques for Vision Health

  • Palming technique
  • Pressing on Yingxiang (LI20)
  • Gently massaging the temples

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can TCM treat all cases of blurry vision?

  • Explanation of the limitations of TCM in treating certain eye conditions

2. Is TCM safe for treating blurry vision in children?

  • Discussing the safety of TCM remedies for children

3. How long does it take to see results with TCM treatments for blurry vision?

  • Description of the typical timeline for improvement with TCM

4. Can TCM be used as a preventive measure for blurry vision?

  • Exploring the role of TCM in maintaining good eye health

5. Are there any side effects of TCM treatments for blurry vision?

  • Discussing the possible side effects and precautions of TCM remedies


  • Recap of the benefits of TCM in treating blurry vision
  • Encouragement to seek professional guidance for personalized treatment







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