Home » 眼干眼疼视力下降中医病因治疗





  • What is dry eyes, eye pain, and decreased vision?
  • Importance of maintaining good eye health
  • Introduction to traditional Chinese medicine

Causes of Dry Eyes, Eye Pain, and Decreased Vision

  1. Environmental factors
    • Air pollution
    • Dry climate
  2. Aging
  3. Computer and smartphone usage
  4. Deficiency of Yin or body fluids
  5. Liver and Kidney imbalances
  6. Qi and Blood stagnation

Symptoms of Dry Eyes, Eye Pain, and Decreased Vision

  1. Dryness and irritation
  2. Blurry or fluctuating vision
  3. Eye discomfort or pain
  4. Sensitivity to light
  5. Redness and inflammation

Traditional Chinese Medicine Approaches to Treatment

1. Dietary adjustments

  • Foods that nourish Yin and body fluids
  • Foods that support liver and kidney health

2. Acupuncture and acupressure

  • Specific acupoints for improving eye health
  • Eye exercises and massages

3. Herbal remedies and supplements

  • Chinese herbs for promoting eye health
  • Supplements for supporting vision

4. Lifestyle modifications

  • Proper eye care practices
  • Reducing screen time and taking breaks

5. Qi and blood circulation techniques

  • Qi Gong exercises
  • Tai Chi movements for eye health

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can traditional Chinese medicine completely cure dry eyes and eye pain?

A1: Traditional Chinese medicine aims to address the root causes of these conditions and offer relief. It may require an individualized treatment plan and consistent adherence to see significant improvements.

Q2: How long does it take to see results with traditional Chinese medicine?

A2: The duration of treatment varies depending on the severity of the condition and individual response. Some people notice improvements within weeks, while others may require a few months of consistent treatment.

Q3: Are there any side effects of using traditional Chinese medicine for eye health?

A3: When used correctly, traditional Chinese medicine is generally safe and well-tolerated. However, it is essential to consult a qualified practitioner and inform them of any existing medical conditions or medications to avoid potential interactions.

Q4: Can traditional Chinese medicine be used alongside conventional treatments?

A4: Yes, traditional Chinese medicine can complement conventional treatments for dry eyes, eye pain, and decreased vision. It is important to inform both healthcare providers and discuss potential interactions.

Q5: How can I find a qualified traditional Chinese medicine practitioner?

A5: Look for practitioners who are licensed/accredited, have relevant experience and positive reviews. Recommendations from trusted sources or referrals from healthcare professionals can also help in finding a qualified practitioner.







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